Meet the Assistants
By Gianna Sobol
NAME: Stephanie Quick
TITLE: Art Department Assistant
WHAT SHE'S BEEN UP TO THIS WEEK: We have a lot of new non-permanent or 'swing' sets this season. At the moment we're prepping for a large scale location set for which we have to procure a ton of free signage and decoration. It's a lot of calling product placement companies and small businesses and hoping they are fans of the show and want to contribute! Luckily we're working on a hit show so they are usually pretty excited to help out.
I've also been going out to scout some new locations around the L.A. area with our set designer to help him measure up and map out the areas so that he can draw up director's plans and plans for construction.
WEIRDEST THING SHE'S HAD TO DO: Some of the locations we have to measure up for plans are pretty strange, I've gotten to know some parts of L.A. that definitely aren't in any guide books! From run down shacks in Agua Dulce, to pigeon-infested fire escapes Downtown and overgrown Simi Valley backyards, it's definitely never dull. Last week the set designer and I ended up taking measurements in a urine-soaked Hollywood alley.
DREAM JOB: Production Designer
HBO's Inside True Blood Blog
The reason I like these insider posts is they give you hints on what is going on in a particular episode and also it's filler till the show starts. The urine soaked alley way for instance, it may be the down and out area the spell is cast to disorient anyone approaching Hallow's den of witches, or the Scooby aka Sookie gang doing some nosing around in search of witchery, even where that gator looks to be in wait from the previous Inside TB Blog. I hope they keep those scenes for spookability. I read the title of Gianna's blog as "Meet the Assassins", geez I'm tired and bored today.
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