Friday, August 19, 2011

For You Monster, TB Weekend

Isn't Get Outta My House Sookie's Line?
From BuddyTV about the promo clips
The big drama on True Blood may be the escalating war between the witches and the vampires, but Hoyt and Jessica are going through a different kind of suffering: breaking up. In the last episode the wholesome but not-that-bright Hoyt broke up with Jessica and uninvited him from his house, splitting up the longest-running romantic relationship on the show.

This week the two cope with the loss in complete different ways. As you can see in the new clips from Sunday's episode, Jessica takes the break-up pretty hard, crying to vampire rights advocate Nan Flanagan. In the other clip, Hoyt is coping in his own way, but he gets a big distraction when Lafayette points a gun at him.

Also, if you kept a close look, you probably saw that one of the books Hoyt put into his "Monster Box" was the first Twilight novel. That's a pretty cool shout-out.

In the other big subplot, werewolf packmaster Marcus pays a visit to Merlotte's to try and get Sam to stop seeing his ex-wife Luna. As you might expect, it doesn't go very well, and the episode also allows Alcide to get involved in the action.

Of course, this is all in addition to some other very big development's in this week's episode of True Blood. Eric is now under Marntonia's control, Sookie has a very enticing dream and the whole "Psycho Baby" storyline with Terry and Arlene gets very heated as nearly half the cast gets involved now that Lafayette is possessed and kidnapped the baby.

If that's not enough to get you to watch, the episode also reveals what Alcide wears when he goes to bed, and the answer is sure to give all his fans a nice thrill.

                                                        I wouldn't be caught dead in Bon Temps!
From EW

Any good Bill/Sookie scenes coming up? ~ Chris
All I can say is that you will like the scene near the beginning of Sunday’s episode very very much. Like, VERY much. And to bookend your joy, there’s a moment at the end where Sookie makes a grand gesture of — what some could say — are lingering feelings. Others might just say girl likes drama!
From the Orlando Sentinel, synopsis of "Let's Get Out Of Here"
The weekend TV menu offers the sublime, the serious and the silly. “True Blood” manages to cover all those bases. The HBO drama offers a very busy hour at 9 p.m. Sunday that includes hostage situations, possessions, a lusty dream sequence and a public-relations stunt called the Festival of Tolerance. Alcide gets quite a workout, and you know that a Festival of Tolerance will never work on this violent fantasy. Fiona Shaw continues to dazzle as the possessed witch Marnie.

Episode #45 (S4, Ep. 9):  “Let's Get Out Of Here”
Debut:  SUNDAY, AUG. 21 (9:00-10:00 p.m.)
Convalescing after her latest near-death trauma, Sookie envisions a world where there’s room for both Bill and Eric.  Jesus (Kevin Alejandro) tries to purge the restless spirit out of Lafayette; Marcus enlists Alcide to help him deal with the Sam situation; Bill and Nan Flanagan (Jessica Tuck) clash over their agendas; Hoyt asks Jason to make a delivery to Jessica; despite Tara (Rutina Wesley) and Holly’s misgivings, Marnie plots her next move against the vampires, during a “Festival of Tolerance” event at Shreveport.
Written by Brian Buckner; directed by Romeo Tirone. THR

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