Sunday, August 14, 2011

Spellbound Sunday

I remember when the episode titles were spoiled, I swore tonight's was when Eric lost his memory and was spellbound. Of course we know now that was wrong, so what happens tonight to match up with the title should be big. Some episode info from various sources and spoilers previously posted-

As Bill and Marnie brace for a dangerous midnight faceoff, Sookie and Eric pledge their allegiance to the King. Jason is torn between friendship and passion, and Jessica is spurned from two homes; Lafayette becomes the pawn of a tormented spirit; Tommy takes a walk in someone else's shoes; Sam contends with yet another adversary in Marcus, Luna's ex and the leader of Alcide's new pack.

Teeny bit on the next episode from Matt at TVLINE
 One of the Sookie Stackhouse novels’ most famous scenes at long last makes it to the small screen. It involves a guy, a girl, and a shower (sort of).
From Eonline's Kristin
Bb123: Dying for some True Blood…especially on Jessica dying. Is she still alive?I believe so, yes. I'm told that we'll soon see her inside the witch store with Fiona Shaw, watching Bill (Stephen Moyer) out in front doing something very bad. Like, you know, life or death kind of bad. Oh…I'll just come right out with it: Bill kills someone! Or, more accurately (not grammatically though) is that Bill kills someones. As in plural. Also hearing that Tara (Rutina Wesley) somehow injures her arm, and Jason (Ryan Kwanten) will be packing (up) something other than heat. Lots of good stuff coming up

Rhoswen7's episode spoilers as we count down to the finale Episode #44 (#4.08): “Spellbound”: As Bill and Marnie brace for a dangerous midnight face-off, Sookie and Eric pledge their allegiance to the King. Jason is torn between friendship and passion, and Jessica is spurned from two homes. Lafayette becomes the pawn of a tormented spirit; Tommy takes a walk in someone else’s shoes; Sam contends with yet another adversary in Marcus, Luna’s ex and the leader of Alcide’s new pack. Playdates: August 14, 16, 17, 20 and 26. Written by Alan Ball; directed by Daniel Minahan.

The war between the two factions escalates on tonight’s episode of HBO’s “True Blood” (at 9 p.m.). In “Spellbound?,” written by series creator Alan Ball, Marnie/Antonia (the sublime Fiona Shaw) and Bill (Stephen Moyer) face off in a cemetery.
Bill claims he wants peace, but he’s brought a small army with him, including Sookie (Anna Paquin) and Eric (Alexander Skarsgard). Things get violent fast, and Sookie’s life - and love life - just be taking yet another dramatic swerve.
“There’s no such thing as forever,” Sookie tells Eric earlier in the episode, and those words seem prophetic. The two take their intimacy to even greater - bloodier - levels.
Alcide (Joe Manganiello) vows to stay away from Sookie, but that’s a promise he cannot keep. Sam (Sam Trammell) makes a new enemy, while his brother Tommy (Marshall Allman) walks in a woman’s shoes. Lafayette (Nelsan Ellis) is no longer himself - literally.
Jessica (Deborah Ann Wolf) and Hoyt (Jim Parrack) experience not one but two wrenching break-ups. But Jessica discovers moving on with Jason (Ryan Kwanten) will not be that easy. Wolf and Parrack have been this show’s underrated stars. They give this show its emotional pulse, and I root for them even though their relationship seems about as doomed as anything in Bon Temps. Boston Herald

Wetpaint has a new group of screencaps up for tonight
Photo Now is the time for our Civil War soldier to lead the vamps into the "Witch War"!

Ep. 44 Clip - Marcus Adresses His Pack

The beauteous Siouxie singing Spellbound solo this time, I posted the last one with my beloved Siouxie and The Banshees. My Favorite Halloween song!

Siouxsie Sioux - Spellbound on MUZU.TV

Barbara has some good ideas for tonight from the previews and lots of screencaps too. Sookie done got harmed, here we go again with the drinking vampire blood to heal quickly. Sheesh!

 The name of this song is Daydream, but called Spellbound because of the lyric, just an excuse to post some Robin Trower, one of the greatest guitarists ever. 

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