Sunday, August 3, 2014

Fangovering True Blood's Final Season Week 7

I saw the Ryan segment on TMZ earlier, the video is there.

The writer of Sunday’s installment of True Blood, Craig Chester, took EW inside the big Sookie and Bill reunion, Arlene’s sexy, emotional scenes with Keith, the joys of researching Violet’s sex dungeon, and the moment he and showrunner Brian Buckner (aka Bucky) first felt like the series was truly coming to an end.
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Fans are going to be talking about Sookie and Bill having sex. She finally seems to accept that he’s dying and realizes she wants to stay with him until the end. That was obviously written to be very reminiscent of their first time together in season 1.
CRAIG CHESTER: A lot of discussion went into that scene, which I think some people have been waiting for for a very long time and others have maybe not. [Laughs] We did shoot, shot-for-shot, Sookie running to Bill’s house in a white dress, so it is literally a callback to episode six of season 1. But one of the things that we talked about is that these are two very different people now that are reconnecting, who obviously have this deep love for each other. It’s loaded with this history between them. That was something that Anna [Paquin] and Stephen [Moyer] beautifully conveyed, having played these characters for so long and knowing exactly where they’re at as they rekindle their feelings for each other.
When this season started, I remember thinking there was no way the show could get me to like Bill again and to root for him and Sookie. But it happened. Was that response something the writers worried about coming into this year?
We had a lot of discussions in the writers’ room about first love, and what it means to have a connection with someone that’s maybe not ideal in every way. I think a lot of people can relate to having that kind of intense connection with one other person that has its ups and downs. I think the fact that Bill is dying is the thing that allows Sookie to let go of whatever resentments that she might have had or accumulated over the years. When someone’s dying, it’s like all of the stuff that happened between you goes out the window. Everything suddenly becomes very real and very urgent. And I think that Bill is actually genuinely sorry for what he’s done to her. That transformation in him—I’m glad you said it feels organic—feels like the right thing for him. MORE

Men's Journal's interview with Nelsan at the link True Blood ending has been a bitter pill for many to swallow, but I imagine it's exceptionally hard for you and the rest of the cast. How have you been dealing with it?
It's unbelievably bittersweet because we've all got to move on but I truly feel like I'm losing a family. We've all had children and dogs during the show. We've seen babies being born. My God, Stephen Moyer, his kids were so young and they're teenagers now. I've watched his babies grow. We've all developed families during the show that we bring to set. It's not so much that I'm going to miss the character, even though I will, but I'm going to miss the families that I enjoy coming to set and seeing. I'm going to miss the families a lot.
Your relationship with Tara played by Rutina Wesley was one of my favorite onscreen friendships. Was it hard saying goodbye to her?
[Laughs] Don't be presumptuous. It's True Blood. People can always come back!
How do you feel about how Lafayette's resolution in the series? Do you find it satisfying?
I think he has a happy ending. Whether he has much time in the series this season as I'd like, let's not get into that, but he ends up happy. He takes command of his happiness. It's a season of redemption for him, which is something that he needed. He needed redemption, he needed happiness and I think the season gives him that.

Tribute to Pamela Gofuckyourself Swynford  De Beaufort
Don't forget to check HBO's IG for more tributes with the cast.
IS THE AGE OF MIRACLES PAST? Baby Vamp's new blog-
I don’t know what I’m doing here. Even typing these words feels so...wrong. I should be in there with Bill. I should be spending every last moment I can with him but I just can’t look at him anymore. Those veins look like ugly black snakes choking the life right outta him. And here I am, just sitting around, waiting for Sookie and her “miracle.” I don’t know about you all, but I haven’t seen a whole lot a miracles happening around here lately.
I learned all about miracles growing up. Bible’s full of ’em. Birth of Jesus. Death of Jesus. Walking on water, burning bushes, floods, plagues -- those are the big ones, anyway. But how are you supposed to read about miracles in a two thousand-year-old book and somehow believe they can happen to you? I never did. Not really.
But then a miracle did happen to me -- and his name was Bill Compton. I wouldn’t have been made vampire without him, but I also wouldn’t be the vampire I am without him. Bill -- and Sookie -- they have been good to me. I owe whatever life I have to the both of them. And it’s scary to think about dying -- for good, but I have -- I mean, I am, thinking about it. And I’m thinking if there is any way for me to trade my life for Bill’s right now, so he could get his miracle...I think I might do it. I hope you all aren’t mad at me for saying that, but it just feels like it would be the right thing to do...

Bailey Noble's HBO interview- As a relative newcomer, what’s it like for you to have the show end?
For me, I feel like I haven’t had enough time with the cast and crew. This is the longest time I’ve ever been part of a cast, and it hasn’t totally hit me yet because we always had big breaks in between shooting, so I still feel like I’m going to get a call sheet and go back into work next week.
What’s been your favorite part of playing Adilyn?
I really love her love of life. It’s been really fun to get the material and say, “How can I come at this from a place of curiosity and innocence and naiveté?” It’s been fun going to those places with her.
Speaking of naiveté, as an actor, how did you feel about forgiving Jessica?
Obviously what happened with my sisters was a huge deal, but my heart went out to Jessica when I heard about Tara’s death. She’s just standing in my front yard, all alone, and I know what it’s like to lose somebody, so I think that we should be together. I see how much Jessica’s loss is hurting her and I know how much my loss hurt me, so I don’t want anybody else to feel that pain. Also, Adilyn doesn’t have many friends, so Jessica is the only possibility. After all, she’s still very young and forgiving.
Yeah, Adilyn’s really only 6-8 months old in the scheme of things, right?
Yeah! I don’t have the life skills to be holding grudges yet. [Laughs.] More.

I think he reaches a point in a very subversive and dangerous way is the most taboo state of being for a character on television, let alone for a real person, which is, I do not know what to do next. I am totally dissembling. I don't know how to breathe next. I don't know how to think next. I don't know who to ask for help. The given circumstances of my life have become too overwhelming to manage. And rather than reinvest in some external aspect of his identity — the cop, the redneck, the hard ass — he just crumbles. Which is so exciting, because that means vulnerability has become an acceptable state of being for him, and by submitting to that, Holly comes to his rescue and says, “You are not alone.” He gets out of that moment on the strength of knowing that he’s not alone, which circles back to the theme of the whole show, which is we cannot do it alone. We have to learn to get along together, especially those who scare us.
What's been exciting about it from the beginning is this is about how do real people get along with others who don't feel real to them? In other words, if you're a vampire, if you're a werewolf, if you're a shapeshifter, I don't really have to take you that seriously, as a human, because you're weird. You're different. You're not like me. So that theme, however much we might have strayed away from it in the middle seasons, has always been the backbone, and now in the seventh season, you're starting to look at these characters who you've gotten to know express some pain and exasperation that has come from them trying to survive in this world full of difference is really powerful. And ironically, totally realistic. At the very least, watching a character such as Andy who started as this character who as soon as he got on screen, you were waiting for him to trip and fall winding down the series a viable manifestation of maleness and authority, is a great, great journey.
And he's gotten to have some incredible moments lately, on a human level, such as confronting Jessica. Take out the supernatural element, and it's still meaningful.
In a way, it's like bringing this whole experience slowly back down to something that's more tangible on a human level, by having these characters express what it has emotionally cost them to live in this world. It's as much about the real world as the crazy supernatural creatures populating it. On that level, what does it cost you to stay emotionally present in this world of chaos, loss, grief, hope? And it's the kind of insight that you don't really have access to, unless you're starting to chill the fuck out and stop inflicting yourself on the world. Instead you're inventorying who you are, and what's going with you. Introspective and reflective. That's a massively foreign state of being for the Andy Bellefleur that started on True Blood. And then to take it to another level, by offering that information to Jessica, I don't think he's trying to say, "Hey, do me a favor and help me feel better." I think he's trying to say, "You're a vampire, I'm a human, but there's a common solution that can make both of us feel better and move forward in our lives." It's a mini–peace treaty. And these characters having compassion together has a very unifying effect on the whole town.

Predictions from StreamTV, we know that someone will disperse the antidote, that much is for sure. 

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