Thursday, June 30, 2011

Late True Blood Spoilers

Holly from Bookies Love True Blood Facebook group caught this on her phone, it's the Xfinitytv's On Demand promo.
Look at the digs Eric made for himself, a friggin bomb shelter, too funny. Pam's scirred for her maker, why is Sooks being so cold. Fairies had a very bad effect on her, we need a hot Claude (not that troll from Fae Hot Shot) to wipe that bad shit away.

Also Dish TV has a promo and I can't find that yet but this is a description from Nicole at,
I'm sure it will be on youtube tomorrow.

- The first has Pam at Sookie's house with Eric and Sookie, discussing Eric's memory loss. Pam basically accuses Bill for Eric's memory loss, claiming Bill must have set up Eric to go to the witches and have them mess with him. Sookie says it would have been because Bill is trying to protect her since Eric has tasted Sookie. Eric chimes in with "I have?"...and that's the end of that scene.
-The next scene is hilarious...Yes, Eric kills Claudine. It shows Eric outside Sookie's house and Claudine turns to fairy dust in his arms, seemingly after feeding from her, because Sookie yells "You just killed my Fairy Godmother!!!" and it's hilarious!!! Eric nervously answers her with "...Sorry..." and he is pretty damn adorable when he says it.

- The last looks like Sookie and Eric are down in Eric's little cubby he made for himself in her house. They're discussing who the house belongs to, and Sookie says it's his house, but she lives there. Eric then nervously asks if she is his. She says no, and he comes back with "Are you another vampire's?" She says no. And then he hesitantly asks her if she wants to be his. She answers with, "Not really...."

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